
Each year the QuarryNZ Conference holds an Awards night to celebrate success across the industry. Below is a list of the Awards available and details on how to enter and close off dates. Visit the IOQ and AQA websites for more information about each award.

IOQ Awards
The Institute of Quarrying NZ (IOQ) Awards are a conference highlight and amongst others, cover categories including:

  • Winstone Aggregates Safety Award – awarded to a quarry operation that best meets a wide range of H & S Criteria
  • Lyn Jordan Memorial Trophy – for best technical paper
  • R D Hassed Memorial Trophy – for the Institute member who has made the most outstanding contribution to the Branch during the current year
  • Terra Cat Travel Award – for the operator that has consistently shown the most dedication and commitment to the quarrying industry
  • B R Webster Family Educational Scholarship – towards tertiary or practical learning studies
  • Institute of Quarrying NZ Award – recognises both a long-servicing member who is held in high regard due to outstanding service to the Institute and/or a retiring President at the end of his tenure on the Executive Council
  • WorkSafe Chief Inspectors Safety Leadership Award – presented to a Company that has demonstrated commitment to continuous improvement and safety leadership in the area of workplace health and safety, in both the extractives and extractives support sectors
  • The Turnco Niemac JCI Astec Achievement Award – is made to recognise an achievement by an IOQ NZ (Inc) member individually or as part of a team. The intent is to reward a person or team directly responsible for plant operation, or in plant maintenance, or in problem-solving in the industry. The Award offers opportunity to reward an achiever or team, who may not necessarily be conspicuous within the industry.
  • IOQ Citation Award – is very much the ‘members award’. Its main function is to provide a means whereby a branch can obtain formal recognition for a long-serving member who is held in particularly high regard because of a long period of outstanding service to the Institute. The award is above all a measure of the esteem in which the nominee is held by his colleagues and made in the true spirit of Institute fellowship.
  • Caernarfon Award – The Caernarfon Award is presented annually for the best paper given at an Institute conference, seminar, meeting etc anywhere in the world which is adjudged to have contributed the most to the advancement of some aspect of the industry – either technical, environmental, strategic etc.
  • The Komatsu Leadership Award – is presented to an Institute member who has achieved 10 or more years membership, holds a management position within the quarrying industry and has made a valued contribution to the Institute. This prestigious award is presented every two years and includes an overseas trip.

For further information on award criteria and nomination forms visit the IOQ website.

Download the IOQ NZ Awards Brochure here.

NZ Quarrying and Mining Awards
These awards from Q+M magazine recognise upcoming leaders in the quarrying sector.   Several people have won an award in one year, which recognises “future leaders”.  They are each provided with a certificate and $1000 each.  If you have someone showing talent in your quarry, email a brief CV and outline of the person’s achievements and qualities to Q+M Editor Alan Titchall – by Friday 30 May 2025

MIMICO Environment & Community Award
The industry sponsored MIMICO Environmental Award annually recognises excellence within the aggregate industry for outstanding examples of pollution management, rehabilitation, beautification or other environmental work.

All finalists will receive publicity including written material, promotion at the QuarryNZ 2025 Conference in Rotorua, as well as feature on the AQA website.  Full details can be found in the MIMICO Environment & Community Award brochure on the AQA website. All entries and supporting information must be received by Sunday 11 May 2025

Visit the IOQ and AQA websites for more information about each award and details on entering.

Address for Communications

Positive Events Plus
Melissa Bahler
Event Manager
PO Box 10668
The Terrace
Mobile: 027 664 3080